Hi there,
Let's celebrate Christmas by making a wish to HOZO Design! Join the contest to get the opportunity of getting your entire order for FREE!!!! *
The more you share, the more you wish, and the higher your chance to win!
How to enter:
  1. Order at HOZO's online store between Nov 15th-Dec 31st
  2. Share on social with your comment as "I wish to have a xxxxx (product name e.g. MEAZOR 3D)."
  3. Join Giveaway contest to win more entries: https://gleam.io/ISYZH/hozo-xmas-giveaways-make-a-wish-to-hozo
  • ALL qualified participants will receive a $10 gift card valid in 2023
  • 1 Lucky Grand winner will receive a  FULL refund of your entire order when the contest ends!
Note: Prize available to HOZO's online store customers (Order between Nov 15th (12:00 PM EST) to Dec 31st (12:00 PM EST)


Good luck!


*HOZO Design reserves the right of final interpretation for the content of this event

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